Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Victorians, houses, and the redemption of a sinner

The Victorians were high in their assumptions about beauty. No mere moulding or simple fireplace would do. Their door placement, the size of the windows, the scope of each room and floor were paid very close attention. My job at this house has been to try to calm down the walls and to cause "flow" to happen between rooms. There is enough drama already. Stained and mullioned glass, five gorgeous fireplaces, octagon-shaped rooms, floors that speak of craftsmanship and intricate thought. A generous, living-room-sized front porch, a gothic wrought-iron fence. So many details that could not be replicated today without massive expense. And we bought it with the cash that we had... from 28 years of sweat equity put into numerous other homes, which included the help of many friends and family over the years....particularly our children. The furniture and knick-knacks that we have acquired over 30 years of marriage fit into this house like they were bought for it. The traditional and vintage things that I gravitate to are perfect in here. That is one more sweet gift from the Creator of it all. The One who knows us intimately and knows our cracked, helpless state but loves His children anyway.

We live in America, the land of excess. And one of my large failings (and probably will contribute ultimately to my demise), is that I am the Queen of Excess. If a little is good, then a whole lot must be a party and VERY good.

He loves me. I know, better than ever, now that I am getting older...that my true nature is plain wicked. I am a liar and a thief, a gossip, a glutton, a divider of friends. Rebellious, selfish, indulgent, uncaring, irresponsible. That's just for starters. I used to actually think I was pretty good, compared to the average Joe. But I am not.

I am at the mercy of Christ. My only hope is at the foot of His cross, where He has paid the penalty for my sin. He is the King of the universe, but He stripped off His royal robes, became as one of us....for the sole purpose of bearing our sin and redeeming a people for Himself. People don't often understand who or what He was. He was God and man, all at once. He felt the pains of manhood, the weaknesses of manhood, but He also created the universe. He wore two crowns, one of royalty and one of thorns.

I began to understand the meaning of redemption one Christmas about 20 years ago....when the Christmas story was being played out at church. There was a manger and a lamb together. The lamb who bore our sin. My sin. My sins. If I could pull myself up to goodness, then He had no need of coming. As it was, and is...it is His righteousness and His price that paid and pays for me. This is the simple Gospel. I have heard it all my life. Amazing that over and over, it comes around to astonish me again. I was a child, 8 years old, when I was enveloped by the love of Christ....but as each decade turns, each challenge looms, each wonderful or terrible season winds down....I see another facet of Him, and am rescued anew by Him.

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