Monday, January 29, 2024

Slugs in the (Not) Snow

After finally clearing out my little art studio -- bucketloads of mysterious craft supplies, dried-up paint, random lengths of ribbon and strange tools -- I did away with about 3/4's of all the stuff. Some was given away, some went into the landfill and I even had a bonfire (any excuse, eh?). We put the things back in there that actually will get used. I feel pounds lighter and the room now feels airy and serene. Maddie (10) and Caiden (6) and I (39?) tried it out this weekend, replete with gorgeous music, paints and a blow-dryer to speed up the fun parts of paint drying. I'm a natural-born clutter bug, but I have to admit that clearing out all that mess was inspiring. The colors flowed freely as our right brains took over. I really must do this to the rest of the house. I'll think about it tomorrow...

Meanwhile, in the bleak midwinter of Georgia, where nothing weatherwise is certain, we slogged through Ken's knee surgery today. Weeks of holidaying ahead for his rehab, I'm never going to get on with my January plans. I haven't even made them yet. It's almost February, with our 42th anniversary  and a camping trip looming with some of our children and grandchildren. Then there's spring and then Italy and the world keeps on turning. 

How many of you have broken their New Year's resolutions already? 

Dear Self, 

There's frozen green beans in the freezer, fresh blueberries in the fridge, lean ground turkey too. The gym is close enough to walk to and oh yeah, I forgot that I signed up again for that groovy dance program online. Something's got to give. Please do something about it.

Feeling bloated,


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