Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Slowing Down the Crazy Train

We are falling into new rhythms in our home. They really hark back to our early years, with a few key changes. I get up and swab down the house first thing every morning, since Papa has already taken his shower and moseyed out the door to work (yes, he's still working. Thank God but then oh my word it's in the public sector, that....). The pollen's out the Yazoo, and of course this year of all years it's plumb snowing yellow. We're sneezing and snogging and trying with Trojan-like-discipline not to touch our faces. Seriously, I want to run wild and just cut loose scratching my nose. Oh, the heights. 

Of course, we're laundering any and everything that touches our bodies. I hate laundry, always have. Why does it keep multiplying?! I resist all of those "invisible" tasks that require repetition and consistency. Why would I cook, when I could take the same amount of time and paint a beautiful picture that would last more than 15 minutes? In this post-nest-period of our lives, we have fallen into easy, muddy ruts. Eating out all the time, relaxing way too much in our recliners (why in the heck did I buy those things?), and rushing from one convenience to the other. Where did our family meals go? Where did our garden and chickens go? Where did Wednesday night prayer meeting go? They went with the tyranny of the urgent, with the easiest path possible while still trying to work, maintain the American dream and navigate way too many Amazon clicks. 

Then the Lord said stop. Just stop. All the little, unseen tasks that actually are the things that bring serenity begin to take precedence. Cooking. Slowing down. Wiping down the little specks that have been long neglected. Reading. Stretching. Sleeping late on Saturday. Leisurely walks. Calling folks. Praying. Writing. Dusting. Sitting on the front porch with my people, waving at neighbors going by. Enjoying the cat curled in my lap. Each night, when everyone has gone to bed but me, I go out to our back porch and look at the night sky. Did you know there's a grouping of three planets going on right now in the eastern horizon? It looks like the Star of Bethlehem, it's so big. The other night, I saw it -- huge and resplendent. There was no traffic, the air was clean and sweet. Below it, the moon was a sliver of gold. I had been fretting and worrying, parking my brain on the internet all day. But when I drew in the stillness and beauty of the moment, I raised my arms to the heavens and praised the King. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14.  I need healing, every day. I know we all do.

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